A Glance at Economic Crimes Based on Economic Penal Law

Document Type : Original Article



 Economy is the most significant issue of a society, therefore; combating economic crimes has a special stance. Economic crimes are those crimes which are against a country’s economy and intended to destroy its economic system and nowadays, are considered as one of the challenges of developing societies. Development of economic crimes prevent a government’s national objectives in the field of economic security and endanger the general trend. The present research attempts to investigate definition obstacles in differenet economic systems. Therefore; economic crimes prevention will dissuade potential criminals, through affecting criminalizing situations via taking appropriate measures, that the cost of committing the crime is beyond their abilities.  The difficulties of detecting economic crimes on the one hand, and lack of sufficient access to the detection sources and tracking them, and accompanying these crimes with high costs for the society, on the other hand, are among the efforts to prevent them. In Iran’s criminal policy, influenced by the United Nations Convention on corruption, measures have been envisioned which are categorized as penal and non-penal which wil be addressed in this article. 
