The Impact of Cyberspace on the Internal Security and Measures to Prevent Securitizaton of Social Phenomena

Document Type : Original Article


Cyberspace has high capacities to affect and challenge security and can
impress all national power parameters. In the social dimension, increasing use
of cyberspace by people has caused social security to face challenge and get
difficult. In general, various factors affect the formation and development of
internal security which in today’s world, in case the impacts of cyberspace in
this domain is not completely considered, they are definitely the very important
impacts in maintaining and damaging the internal security. Crises resulting
from cyberspace in recent years, like riots in January 1396, December 1398
and the recent case in September 1401, indicate the importance and impact
of cyberspace and its functions in securitization of social crises and causing
serious threats in the fields of internal security.
In this research which is conducted using data-based and the capacities of
the State’s experts in the fields of strategic management of cuberspace and
internal security, while studying the nature of social phanamena resulting
from cyberspace in national and international arena is addressed and necessary
courses of action to prevent the securitization of phenomena in cyberspace are
